Integrated Developmental Educational & Assessment Services (IDEAS)
- Believes that an interdisciplinary approach is the most effective and efficient way to help people live a fully functional life.
- Serves the adult, adolescent and child populations.
- Offers parents, teachers and/or child service providers the opportunity to become actively involved in the child’s learning and development.
- Offers a comprehensive team of professionals, with years of combined experience in a variety of settings.
- Provides services in the areas of Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology. Specialized Tutoring services can also be accessed through IDEAS.

Services Include
- Consultation
- Assessment
- Therapy: individual, couple and family.
- Workshops
- Interdisciplinary assessment and consultation fees vary upon the number of professionals involved.
How We Can Help
- Clarification of client needs through free initial ½ hour consultation
- Evening and weekend business hours
- Free Parking